The Orchard for 2 – 3’s
Well you never quite know what you are going to find in The Orchard...that's because it all depends on what is interesting the children. We like to follow their lead. If the children are all about snakes, then we are all about snakes...
Two year olds need room to roam and to stretch, so the room has no fixed furniture. One day, we can be at the beach, the next on the farm, the next with the worms in the mud and by Friday, we might be at Loch Ness searching for Nessie. You just never know where the children will take us.
But children this age also take comfort from routine - they like to know what will happen next. So, although the room might change with new exciting adventures, the people they see stay the same and the basic flow of the day is a constant. They know what will happen next, which frees them to fall into the interesting activities we set out for them every day. And, of course, there's also a quiet corner to retreat to, under the comfort of some giant jungle leaves. Or the Home Corner always offers plenty of ingredients to whip up their favourite concoction.
In The Orchard, we focus a lot of effort on personal and social skills. We teach the children how to make good healthy choices, to put on their own coat and shoes and to treat their friends with kindness and respect.
Because growing bodies and minds need plenty of fresh air, we go outside twice every day, no matter what the weather.